this work investigates commonly taken for granted notions about space and movement within space.
a multi-layered and reflected onto itself single shot recording gives us an amplified notion of space. multiple viewpoints and angles merge together in one [ gilden ] frame.
whereas the first part of this piece intrigues us to re-gain a sention of orientation, the second (being reversed) questions a more inner sense, of balance maybe.. while astonished by the clumpsiness at first, and easily dismissed, it becomes comic .. or we use humour to hide something else. then a sensation of its fakeness, as in 'this is staged'. a few movements that carry in either direction create relief from this weird sensation. as kids we played games, we walked on 'just' one leg, or were led by someone blindfolded. then habit took over, and this piece reminds of the other possibilities that could have been. later, back in normality, decompression - another kind of relief sensation - sets in..
a video-installation that questions the work of art, the art market and the 'hanging on the wall'.
[ video 5'18 loop back+forth, no sound, image inside barroque frame ], brussels 2006/7